A site-specific installation in the Tontine Building on Trongate in August 2017
The gradual demolition in 2017 of the Computer Centre at 154 Trongate in Glasgow coincided with my process of research in fulfilment of the Master of Research in Creative Practice at the Glasgow School of Art.
At the time of my first encounter with the Computer Centre, it was a site in transition, spatially and temporally in-between, a ‘modern ruin’ and on the brink of being erased from the city. It seemed to be considered a ‘dead space’ and an ‘eyesore’ in Glasgow’s Merchant City; a contrast with having once been at the fore front of technological advancement. (read more)
Part of an installation view in the Glasgow School of Art, Tontine building on Trongate.
‘Illusion of transparency’, installation with mixed media painting, concrete and elastic.
An installation view of ‘Illusion of Transparency’
Detail of ‘Illusion of transparency”, canvas, ink, microchip, layered glass and gold leaf.
A still from ‘Reflections’ , a projection with sound from the demolition in the ‘ruinous’ store room adjacent to the exhibition space.
‘Surface Reflections’, a wall assemblage with unfired porcelain imprints and lead from the site.
‘Disposable’, detail, electrical insulation tape and reflective tape.
An installation view of ‘Disposable’, ‘Surface Reflections’ and ‘Reflections'(Projection with sound)
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections’
A still from ‘Reflections’
A view onto the window of the exhibition space from the outside.
‘Outside In – Past, Present, Future’. White glazed bricks from the Computer Centre site.
Installation view
‘A Site in Transition’, Indian ink, enamel paint, resin, reflective tape and coloured electrical tape on canvas, 120 x 90cm
‘A Site in Transition’, detail
‘Presence in Absence’, one of eight enamel drawings on glass, exhibited on the floor.
A still from ‘Reflections’ , a projection with
sound from the demolition in the ‘ruinous’ store room adjacent to the exhibition space.